The main dates
Franck Oudot takes charge of TECHMETA ENGINEERING,
Fresh start for TECHMETA ENGINEERING with the acquisition of the company by Franck OUDOT, new CEO.
TECHMETA joins Bodycote,
world leader in thermal processes
TECHMETA creates the biggest EB Welding machines in the world,
TECHMETA creates a new range of giant machines: the HYPER MACHINES and collaborates to the biggest world projects.
New international partners,
opening to the Chinese and Indian markets with our partners ZSQ and EMT.
TECHMETA is a partner,
largest national and international projects in terms of electron beam technology
Beginning of the machine manufacturing,
in addition to TECHMETA outsourcing EB Welding offer, TECHMETA starts a new activity of manufacturing special machines.
TECHMETA creation by
Jean SOMMERIA, doctor in physics, NAVAL and electronics

Our history
TECHMETA has been founded in 1964 and has taken part during 40 years in the internationnal development of electron beam technology in two principal directions:
• Practice at an industrial scale of electron beam job shop welding with an integrated and diversified park of over 20 electron beam welding equipments exploited for customer service.
• Conception and production of a large scale of electron beam welding equipments standard machines and equipments according to customer’s specifications.
Since 1985 TECHMETA has been chosen as a partner for most important national and international projects including electron beam technology: welding of nuclear submarines for the French National Navy, key projects for C.E.A.( French Atomic Authority), welding of the boosters for European rocket ARIANE V, continuous welding of SUPERCONDUCTOR for the internationnal project CERN/ CMS for which TECHMETA has received the ”golden” and the ”cristal” awards 2003.
Since 1990, Techmeta has developed – in partnership with a university laboratory – a specific technology of thin layers coated under vacuum, especially electrical resistor films of Ni-Cr and heating products issued from this technology.
TECHMETA disposes of 70 operating international specialist, who are recognized and intervene all over the world.
In February 2007, Techmeta joined Bodycote, the thermal processing world leader, today active in more than 30 countries and over 300 industrial sites. Techmeta becomes Bodycote-Techmeta but maintains and develops all activities for Electron Beam machine manufacturing and job shop.